• マダム・ジジからの手紙


    Gianne's Monthly News January 2017


    Dear Friends,

    This month while in California I am focusing on the Art of Conservation conference that will be held at the end of this week in Laguna Beach at the Susie Q Center, 380 3rd Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651.

    Sustainability is the topic. Even though California – according to some people – is over the devastating drought following much rain this winter season, the psyche of Californians has changed dramatically regarding water conservation.

    Water conservation has become a household word and is emerging as a way of life. This is the legacy of our generation: We will be remembered as bringing sustainability and water conservation as a daily way of being. My conference speech will talk about the aesthetics of water wise plants, showing paintings painted at various gardens around the world done in our own Mediterranean biotope, which includes southern California.

    Seven of my paintings are featured, along with a group exposition on the same topic of water wise and sustainable plants. There is also a student exhibition "Plant a Seed" that will be displayed.

    I will be speaking on Saturday January 21st from 4-5:00 (click here for an invitation) , and immediately following there will be a reception for the large group show, which will have at least 30 different artists, all working on this same theme.

    I was interviewed on KX93.5 on Monday morning, here is the pod cast of the one hour (!!) show, where I talk about my process. The recording of the discussion is now available online at http://www.kx935.com/podcasts/importance-show-gianne-de-genevraye/

    Attached here are some of my paintings for the show, I look forward to seeing some of you on Saturday! As always, I invite you to visit my website for a complete view of paintings. www.gianne.org




    マダム・ジジ プロフィール

    GIANNE DE GENEVRAYE (ジャンヌ・ド・ジュヌブライ)





    「Bon Chic vol.2 (別冊PLUS 1 LIVING・主婦の友社)  2010年3月」



    マダム・ジジからの手紙 モード・フリゾンのお城 石澤季里ブログバナー